Rewati Gurung feature in Kantipur News (Nepali Language) Nepali Fashion Brand Winning Hearts Rewati Gurung, who started 'Kokroma' after being influenced by Finland's 'Babybox', creates c...
Read moreNew Business Age published this story about Kokroma - August 7, 2021 For more than 80 years, the government in Finland has been providing the ‘Finnish Baby Box’, a starter maternity package consis...
Read moreIn 2015, Gurung attended a summer school in Finland, during which she learned about the impacts of ‘Finnish Baby Box‘, a cradle along with a package of clothes uniquely designed for newly born infa...
Read moreOnLine Khabar - How Rewati Gurung was inspired to start Kokroma
Diwakar Pyakurel's article in OnLine Khabar from December, 2019 "Rewati Gurung was well-exposed to the western world during her formative years. She studied English literature in her master’s firs...
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